Monday, February 26, 2007

The Virgin Blogger

This is my first foray into the world of blogging. Ironic really, as my first novel Destroying Avalon is about cyber bullying, using- you guessed it-blogs!!! But more on that later. Honestly though I think I've been suffering from blog-envy. As all good writers know, a large portion of the writing day is spent goggling yourself or reading and commenting on other people's blogs. I have been envious!! Some writers out there manage to publish several books a year, comment on other blogs and maintain their own (not to mention having a life outside of writing. I think?I'm sure there are some out there!!)
So I don't know how faithful I'll be to this blog. I hope to use it to discuss what's on in the world of writing (particularly locally- that is Perth Western Australia). And of course as a tool of self-promotion. But more on that later.
For now I'm practising navigating this system and hopefully I'll have more interesting things to say later!

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